This document is a guide to help troubleshoot transferring a file between two machines using ipfs.
To start, make sure that ipfs is running on both machines. To verify, run ipfs
on each machine and check if the Addresses
field has anything in it. If
it says null
, then your node is not online and you will need to run ipfs
Now, lets call the node with the file you want to transfer node ‘A’ and the
node you want to get the file to node ‘B’. On node A, add the file to ipfs
using the ipfs add
command. This will print out the multihash of the content
you added. Now, on node B, you can fetch the content using ipfs get <hash>
# On A
> ipfs add myfile.txt
added QmZJ1xT1T9KYkHhgRhbv8D7mYrbemaXwYUkg7CeHdrk1Ye myfile.txt
# On B
> ipfs get QmZJ1xT1T9KYkHhgRhbv8D7mYrbemaXwYUkg7CeHdrk1Ye
Saving file(s) to QmZJ1xT1T9KYkHhgRhbv8D7mYrbemaXwYUkg7CeHdrk1Ye
13 B / 13 B [=====================================================] 100.00% 1s
If that worked, and downloaded the file, then congratulations! You just used
ipfs to move files across the internet! But, if that ipfs get
command is
hanging, with no output, read onwards.
So your ipfs file transfer appears to not be working. The primary reason this happens is because node B cannot figure out how to connect to node A, or node B doesn’t even know it has to connect to node A.
The first thing to do is to double check that both nodes are in fact running
and online. To do this, run ipfs id
on each machine. If both nodes show some
addresses (like the example below), then your nodes are online.
"ID": "QmTNwsFkLAed15kQEC1ZJWPfoNbBQnMFojfJKQ9sZj1dk8",
"PublicKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDZb6znj3LQZKP1+X81exf+vbnqNCMtHjZ5RKTCm7Fytnfe+AI1fhs9YbZdkgFkM1HLxmIOLQj2bMXPIGxUM+EnewN8tWurx4B3+lR/LWNwNYcCFL+jF2ltc6SE6BC8kMLEZd4zidOLPZ8lIRpd0x3qmsjhGefuRwrKeKlR4tQ3C76ziOms47uLdiVVkl5LyJ5+mn4rXOjNKt/oy2O4m1St7X7/yNt8qQgYsPfe/hCOywxCEIHEkqmil+vn7bu4RpAtsUzCcBDoLUIWuU3i6qfytD05hP8Clo+at+l//ctjMxylf3IQ5qyP+yfvazk+WHcsB0tWueEmiU5P2nfUUIR3AgMBAAE=",
"Addresses": [
"AgentVersion": "go-ipfs/0.4.11-dev/",
"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0"
Next, check to see if the nodes have a connection to each other. You can do this
by running ipfs swarm peers
on one node, and checking for the other nodes
peer ID in the output. If the two nodes are connected, and the ipfs get
command is still hanging, then something unexpected is going on, and I
recommend filing an issue about it. If they are not connected, then let’s try
and debug why. (Note: you can skip to ‘Manually connecting node A to node B’ if
you just want things to work. Going through the debugging process and reporting
what happened to the ipfs team on IRC is helpful to us to understand common
pitfalls that people run into)
When requesting content on ipfs, nodes search the DHT for ‘provider records’ to see who has what content. Let’s manually do that on node B to make sure that node B is able to determine that node A has the data. Run `ipfs dht findprovs