
Datastore Configuration Options

This document describes the different possible values for the Datastore.Spec field in the ipfs configuration file.


Stores each key value pair as a file on the filesystem.

The shardFunc is prefixed with /repo/flatfs/shard/v1 then followed by a descriptor of the sharding strategy. Some example values are:

	"type": "flatfs",
	"path": "<relative path within repo for flatfs root>",
	"shardFunc": "<a descriptor of the sharding scheme>",
	"sync": true|false

NOTE: flatfs must only be used as a block store (mounted at /blocks) as it only partially implements the datastore interface. You can mount flatfs for /blocks only using the mount datastore (described below).


Uses a leveldb database to store key value pairs.

	"type": "levelds",
	"path": "<location of db inside repo>",
	"compression": "none" | "snappy",


Uses badger as a key value store.

	"type": "badgerds",
	"path": "<location of badger inside repo>",
	"syncWrites": true|false,
	"truncate": true|false,


Allows specified datastores to handle keys prefixed with a given path. The mountpoints are added as keys within the child datastore definitions.

	"type": "mount",
	"mounts": [
			// Insert other datastore definition here, but add the following key:
			"mountpoint": "/path/to/handle"
			// Insert other datastore definition here, but add the following key:
			"mountpoint": "/path/to/handle"


This datastore is a wrapper that adds metrics tracking to any datastore.

	"type": "measure",
	"prefix": "sometag.datastore",
	"child": { datastore being wrapped }